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Merovingian feasts

This is a very fascinating book that has just been published by Éditions du Livre Timperman in Brussels!

It provides 55 recipes of the time, adapted by Pierre Wynants, the multi-starred chef of the famous restaurant "Comme chez soi" in Brussels, and by the caterer and culinary archaeologist Yves Cousin, of the "Dill d'Ycov" in Hoeilaart, specializing in the reconstruction of famous banquets.

The first tackles with clarity and brilliance the historical context and the cultural issues that presided over the revival of great Roman cuisine by the first Merovingian kings, awakens the memory of taste and the five senses of the time, evokes the relationships between food and religion, describes a banquet at the table of Clovis, specifies the taste of Roman wines and invites the contemporary public to adopt the cuisine of the successors of Mérovée.

noté regional television of Picardy Wallonia

Written by Alain Dierkens (professor of medieval history at the Free University of Brussels) and by Liliane Plouvier (founder of the Center de Gastronomie Historique), it is called Festins mérovingiens and it consists of two distinct parts.

Thanks to them, the preparation of duck tongues with hazelnuts, sow teats stuffed with sea urchins or pike spumeum will have no more secrets for you, nor will those of fried gudgeons with celery seeds , suckling pig with oxymel, wild boar with honey, turnips with bacon or Catalan pancakes with acorns, without forgetting cervoise, Roman absinthe and hydromel.


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