Legal notices for the use of the site
The simple use and / or consultation of this Site implies, automatically and unconditionally, your full acceptance of all of these conditions of use.
Dill d'Ycov sprl reserves the right to modify these conditions of use at any time, without notice or any compensation whatsoever. Thus, we advise you to consult them regularly.
Responsibility :
Despite the greatest care taken in creating and updating this site, Dill d'Ycov sprl cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information found there and declines all responsibility for the content of the site and its use.
The information and data contained on the Site are communicated for information purposes only. Dill d'Ycov sprl declines any responsibility in the event of error, inaccuracy or omission affecting the information.
In general, Dill d'Ycov sprl cannot be held responsible for any technical problem of any kind whatsoever affecting the dissemination of its Site.
Dill d'Ycov sprl reserves the right to modify, interrupt temporarily or permanently, all or part of the Site, without any notice or compensation.
Dill d'Ycov sprl can in no way be held liable against you or against a third party for any modification, interruption, suspension or deletion of the Site.
In the event that links are created by Dill d'Ycov sprl with other sites, Dill d'Ycov sprl cannot be held responsible for the content and existence of these other sites.
Subject to the applicable legal or regulatory provisions, Dill d'Ycov sprl cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage, in particular but not limited to, loss of profits, customers, data, intangible assets that may occur due to the use or the impossibility of using the Site, and more generally, of any event linked to the Site and / or any third party site. In particular, the responsibility of Dill d'Ycov sprl cannot be engaged in the event of total or partial hacking of the Site and the damage that this hacking could cause to you or to a third party.
Intellectual property :
The use of the Site does not confer any intellectual property right to the user on the content of the Site which remains the exclusive property of Dill d'Ycov sprl.
Thus, all texts, photos, videos, data, posters, logos, brands and other elements reproduced on the site are reserved and protected by trademark law and / or copyright and / or any other provision in force which would be applicable in matters of intellectual property.
As such, only use for private use is authorized. Any other use constitutes infringement and / or infringement of trademark law and / or copyright and / or any other provisions in force which would be applicable in the field of intellectual property.
It is therefore prohibited to reproduce, represent, distribute, market, modify, concede all or part of any of the elements reproduced on the site and all or part of the site in general, without the prior and express authorization of Dill d ' Ycov sprl.
Any illicit use of all or part of the Site (piracy, counterfeiting, etc.) may give rise to prosecution in accordance with the laws in force.
Links and hyperlinks:
You can establish a link between your own site and the home page of the Dill Site of Ycov sprl. Any hyperlink between your own site and an internal page of the Site must be expressly and previously authorized by Dill d'Ycov sprl.